
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Heritage Management and Eco Tourism in the UK and China Dissertation

Heritage Management and Eco Tourism in the UK and China - Dissertation Example The reason for this added requirement of coordination and cooperation between diverse organizations and stakeholders has arisen due to the expansion in global as well as domestic tourism worldwide. With the advent of globalization and liberalization and the opening up of world economies, there has been a rise in the incomes as well as expenditure on entertainment and travel (Martha, 2008). More and more people have started to travel, both within their countries and in foreign destinations, in order to spend their holidays or even to conduct business. Cultural heritage sites have become important tourist attractions worldwide and have often become a source of high revenue for the destination country. For example, in the case of several European countries like Italy, Spain and France, their rich cultural heritage has been restored, packaged and promoted as tourist attraction that inspires millions of people to visit and bring foreign exchange to these countries (Tuohino and Hynonen, 20 01). The influx of tourists adds pressure on the cultural heritage management and preservation, and hence requires the combined services and efforts of diverse organizations ranging from -

Monday, October 28, 2019

Learning Skill Essay Example for Free

Learning Skill Essay ?The attributes of the learners and how they can help the learners to be successful in an online learning environment Education of children is compulsory, formal and standardized. Adult learning is voluntary and intentional. The purpose of adult education is the independent self-directed learner. Adults tend to resist a learning process which is incongruent with their self-concept as autonomous individuals and does not correspond to their needs and interests. Adults focus on direct application. Given their daily duty in job, profession, family and community, they learn to cope with the pressures and problems of life they are facing. For that reason, the adult educator’s concern is primarily focused on the needs and interests of the learners. Andragogy (adult education) calls for program builders and teachers who are person-centered, who don’t teach subject matter but rather help persons learn (Knowles). Hence, the interests of adults are their real needs. Or the solutions learners have in mind do not solve their problems. The adult educator often has to register into a needs negotiation (Bhola) with learners when teaching new needs about boiled water or a balanced diet, about clean surroundings, preventive health practices or small families. In the dialectical process of needs negotiation the needs as felt by the learners and the needs as seen by the adult educators must be showed together to reach a consensus on the real needs. These real needs must agree to the experience of adult learners. If an adult gets the impression that his experience is not being valued he feels turned down as a person. New learnings take on meaning as adults are able to relate them to their life experience. Experienced adult educators, so, build into the design of their learning experiences provision for the learners to plan and rehearse how they are going to apply their learnings in their day-to-day lives or duties and combine training with transfer and application. A workshop then really can become a workplace where educational materials are produced or evaluation studies are designed. According to Knox’s proficiency theory the learning needs for an adult move upward from life situations and interpersonal communication. Social expectation motivates and empowers an adult to search for more knowledge, better expertness and more suitable performance. Adult learning is based on experience, on the learners’ own experience and on the experience of others. Learning settings of adults usually have a participatory and collaborative basic part. Adults prefer to meet as equals in small groups to explore outcome and concerns and then to take common action as a result of dialogue and inter-learning by discourse. The group becomes the learning co-operative. The group provides the opportunity for inter-learning. Within the group the teacher as well as the other group members plays the task of facilitators. All group members become co-agents (Bhola) in learning. The absence of formal accreditation or certification facilitates collaboration not only on a specific product or outcome but even in structuring and restructuring the learning process according to the needs and interests of the group. The learning process becomes as important as the learning outcome, and a balance between both is often not easy to maintain. How much freedom can actually be given to the adult learner in choice of content and way? Adult learning is life-centered. It is learning by doing, by application and experience, and if need be by trial and error. Adults do not simply to get knowledge created by outsiders, but should examine their own reality themselves and make a positive declaration about it. Praxis is the focus of effective adult learning and praxis means analysis and examination of reality in order to transform it. Adult learning is without interval process of investigation and exploration followed by proccess of doing something grounded in this exploration, followed by reflection on this action, leading to further investigation and so on. The principle is testing not banking (P. Freire) of knowledge. Exploration of new opinion, skills and knowledge take place in the context of the learners’ experience. In settings where skills are being learned, learners become acquainted with skills, apply these in real life settings, redefine hoe these skills may be altered by context, re-apply these in other settings and so on. Adults explained the meaning of ideas, skills and knowledge through the medium of their life-experience and test them in real life settings. To make the learner self-directed is the intention of adult education. But the self-directed learner is neither the one who can retrieve information or locate resources nor the one who appears in group dynamics. The inner-directed, self-operating learner (R. Kidd) is the one who reflects critically on his own assumptions and is keen to find alternative and better solutions. The learning process contributes largely to the success of learning. But learning is more than just the learning process. A participative learning process which fails to assist the learners in  acquiring knowledge and competence is a failure. A participative learning process may take more time because it means active involvement of everybody, discussing all the pro’s and con’s, despite that it must lead to concrete results combining commitment with competence. Education is, as Brookfield points out a â€Å"transactional encounters. That means that the sole responsibility for determining curricula or for selecting appropriate methods does not rest either with the educator or with the learner. If the first acquires, then we have an authoritarian style and a one-way transmission of knowledge and skills. If curricula, methods and evaluative criteria become predetermined solely by what learners say they want, then the cafeteria approach governs the educational process. Accepting the felt needs logical basis without any further inquiry and needs negotiation means that the facilitator has to give up responsibility for the learning process and the accomplishment of learning aims and objectives. Successful learning especially in workshop settings means to keep the balance between the learning process and the learning outcome so that the results justify the efforts and if they are not excellent they should be at least and always â€Å"good enough. Successful distance learners are self-motivated, self-reliant and self disciplined. Distance learning students are the architects of their own learning surrounding, have the ability to manage their study time and schedule. Students can often customize their learning projects to fit their personal interests and there is great chance for personal growth and individual academic success. This requires both internal personal motivation and discipline, and also requires the establishment of a supportive personal learning environment and may require elimination of certain activities to make room for online learning in daily life. Distance learners should be self sufficient, self-directed individuals. The online environment enables students to learn at their own pace, relieving some of the pressure of traditional seated learning and making learning more enjoyable but requires that the student is able to identify learning goals and objectives and focus their attention accordingly. Distance learners become independent problem solvers, doing their own research and expanding their lifelong learning skills. This process helps them to grow critical thinking skills and the ability to interpret and synthesize reading materials, articles and research papers with differing points of view and in the process develop their own positions and beliefs about the subject matter. Some computer and Information literacy is necessary for a distance learner. Distance learners should possess a working knowledge of email, the Internet, and basic keyboard skills. Instructional material within the learning management system will provide all the other skills needed to access and begin the online or distance lesson. Distance learners may be required to develop skills for researching and locating information from several sources and differentiate and assess them for inclusion in distance learning assignments and research projects. Distance learners should be energetic and disciplined managers of their own time. Students must be able to organize and plan their own best study schedule. While individual learners may prefer a different time of day or times in the week to give up to their distance learning study and projects, it is important to devote time each week to course work and it is vital that the distance learner understand that the same amount of time is involved in distance education courses, and traditional seated courses. The distance learner should assess his or her best time of day for study, either it is early morning or evening, every person has a best time of day for learning and thinking. A intentional effort must be made to carve out time in the student’s daily schedule for an optimal study time. Study time should not be the time that is left at the end of the day, unless that is the time when the student is most lively and attentive. All learners and especially distance learners need effective communication skills. The particular nature of distance education requires that communication be done in a written format, whether it is email, written assignments or discussion forums, the written word is vital in distance education. The ability to write clearly and communicate ideas becomes more important since it is the primary means of communication in distance learning. The successful distance learner has a strong sense of responsibility and personal commitment to academic success. Online learning, like many things in life, reaps rewards equal to the energy put into the changes. The independent nature of distance education to insist upon the presence of motivation, and discipline but commitment and follow-through are also vital.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Rise of America’s Prison Empire Essay example -- Analysis, Robert

When envisioning a prison, one often conceptualizes a grisly scene of hardened rapists and murderers wandering aimlessly down the darkened halls of Alcatraz, as opposed to a pleasant facility catering to the needs of troubled souls. Prisons have long been a source of punishment for inmates in America and the debate continues as to whether or not an overhaul of the US prison system should occur. Such an overhaul would readjust the focuses of prison to rehabilitation and incarceration of inmates instead of the current focuses of punishment and incarceration. Altering the goal of the entire state and federal prison system for the purpose of rehabilitation is an unrealistic objective, however. Rehabilitation should not be the main purpose of prison because there are outlying factors that negatively affect the success of rehabilitation programs and such programs would be too costly for prisons currently struggling to accommodate additional inmate needs. Throughout his novel, Texas Tough: The Rise of America’s Prison Empire, author and professor Robert Perkinson outlines the three current dominant purposes of prison. The first, punishment, is the act of disciplining offenders in an effort to prevent them from recommitting a particular crime. Harsh punishment encourages prisoners to behave because many will not want to face the consequences of further incarceration. While the purpose of punishment is often denounced, many do agree that prison should continue to be used as a means of protecting law-abiding citizens from violent offenders. The isolation of inmates, prison’s second purpose, exists to protect the public. Rehabilitation is currently the third purpose of prison. Rehabilitation is considered successful when a prisoner does n... ...ing further sex offenses should be allowed (554). It is too dangerous to risk potential victims so that the offender may complete his rehabilitation program by assaulting a person a few additional times. In the event that a prisoner (particularly a sex offender) does complete rehabilitation, he carries with him a stigma upon reentering society. People often fear living near a prior drug addict or convicted murderer and the sensational media hype surrounding released felons can ruin a newly released convict’s life before it beings. What with resident notifications, media scare tactics and general concern for safety, a sex offender’s ability to readapt into society is severely hindered (554). This warrants life-skills rehabilitation applied to him useless, as he will be unable to even attempt to make the right decision regarding further crime opportunities.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Child Abuse and the Feeling of Helplessness Essay examples -- Children

Smack! Mother hits me in the face, and I topple to the floor. I know better than to stand there and take the hit. I learned the hard way that she takes that as an act of defiance, which means more hits, or worst of all, no food. I regain my posture and dodge her looks, as she screams in my ear. Please, I say to myself, just let me eat this time. Hit me again, but I have to have food. Another blow pushes my head against the tile counter top (Pelzer, 1995). This is the beginning of a typical day for David Pelzer, a victim of child abuse for four years. Child abuse is the physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of children. That is the typical definition coming from the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary. But ask anyone who has been a victim of child abuse, and they might tell you that child abuse is like living in hell, never knowing what might happen to you, and never knowing when it will end. Nobody should have to feel that helpless, and victims are usually left with an uncountable amount of psychological effects. Everyone needs to become more aware of the signs of abuse, and become more educated of a problem that keeps growing every day. Child abuse can incorporate a wide variety of abusive actions, from acts of commission, to lack of action or omission (Kliegman, 1997). Abuse can start even before the birth of a child, such as maternal drug abuse and failure to seek the usual prenatal health care during pregnancy. After birth, child abuse is divided into four basic forms, and each area overlaps into another. The four areas are physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. Children who are at high-risk for child abuse include mentally retarded children, premature infants, infants with chronic medical pr... .... I chose to right this paper in hoping that I get my point across. People need to be more educated about abuse. It is becoming too normal for everyday life. I am only 19, and know personally two people who have been abused. Is it going to become a regular occurrence for at least one child in every family to be abused in some way? But if everyone in every community works together in providing the proper information and education, people can stop abuse before it even starts. We can stop this feeling of helplessness going around today. References Kaplan, Michael. (1996, September). A Boy or Girl. Children Today, pp. 25-29. Kleigman, Arvin. (1997, March). The Effects of Child Abuse on All Involved. Psychology:Today and Tomorrow, pp. 17-39. Pelzer, Dave. (1995). A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive. Health Communications, Inc.; Reissue edition

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Global Youth Culture Essay

Culture obviously varies all around the world from country to country, but the basics are always the same. What makes up culture? Does culture change based on the age of the people or the different generations? Culture consists of language, entertainment through mediums such as music, movies, literature, etc. , fashion, art, food, and more. Culture most definitely changes depending on where you are in the world. For example, it can be as simple as spoken word. The language we speak here in American is vastly different then language spoken over in China or France, and that is one of the fundamental building blocks of culture differences. One thing that is really great and unique about the United States of America is that we have such a diverse mix of people and cultures. America has often been referred to as the â€Å"melting pot† because of the variety of people we have living here. Our culture as a nation has been shaped and molded from all of the people from other places in the world. As a young adult in America, I pay a lot of attention to many parts of our culture such as music, movies, books, and fashion. After exploring the web for blogs from different countries, I found that that doesn’t change throughout the globe. A twenty-year-old student that lives over in London, England is a lot more like me than you might guess. This one blog called â€Å"London Culture Blog† especially caught my attention. I stopped on this blog and started scrolling through some of the posts and realized that a lot of what they are talking about are things that my friends and I talk about too. This was pleasant surprise because ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to go to England and be just like the British. I thought it was so cool having an accent, wearing cute uniforms to school and having a leading royalty. Although that is still a dream I’ve yet to live out, it was really interesting looking at this blog and seeing that I’m not that far off. Some of the posts on the blog were about things that we talk about in America too, for instance, the movie/ musical Les Miserables as well as International superstar, Justin Bieber. It is very cool to me that there are those parts of our culture that is shared by people all over the world. I find it very comforting and interesting that I could be listening to a Bieber song at the same time as someone across the world. However, as to be expected, parts of the blogs were about artists I have never heard of, and those posts were just as fascinating. I found myself reading about a certain British musician and getting so intrigued that I had to go look up their music. I read a post about a young male musician named Jake Bugg. He was born and raised in England and his music often reflects that. The blogger said, â€Å"His influences stretch back 40 years – he’s got some of the basic song structures of early Beatles’ tracks and there’s more than a hint of the Bob Dylan troubadour style too. He also takes inspiration from the more recent generation of Britpop; at times, he sounds like an early, acoustic version of Oasis. † When I listened to some of his songs, they sound completely different than songs you would hear on everyday radio in America and that’s just because the difference of culture. In my opinion, British music is a lot more meaningful and deep and actually causes you to think and relate to the lyrics unlike some American music. Global youth culture around the world is a lot more similar than I thought I would find. I expected it to be a lot different but the fact is that we feed off each other. We use other cultures to constantly shape and change our own and vice versa. Whether it’s fashion, music, cuisine, or dance, we take ideas and use them to create a new addition to our culture. That’s what ties this whole world together and keeps us so connected.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Madame Bovary

A Critical Analysis of the Character â€Å"Madame Bovary† Of the Novel Madame Bovary By Gustave Flaubert The character of Madame Bovary consists of many different components. At first Emma Bovary seems content and unassuming. She doesn’t question anything done, and is very easy to please. As the first nine chapters progress, Emma grows uneasy and upset. She stops taking care of her house and home, leaving her husband to wonder what the problem is. After she witnesses the lavish lifestyle that is completely different from her own, in anger, Madame Bovary loses all love and respect for herself, her husband, her home, and slowly descends into a deep depression. When Monsieur Bovary first met Emma Rouault she was living and taking care of her sick father in Les Bertaux. She loved her father and worked hard to take care of him and their house. Emma Rouault also had a confidence about herself, â€Å" . . . she had an open gaze that met yours with fearless candor† (Flaubert, 858). This openness attracted the then married Monsieur Bovary. He had never encountered a woman like her before, and he spent time with her even after he was done taking care of her father, â€Å" . . . he went back the very next day, then twice a week regularly, not to mention unscheduled calls he made from time to time, as though by chance† (859). After Monsieur Bovary’ wife dies, he takes Emma as his wife and she moves with him to Tostes. After the couple is married, Madame Bovary finds happiness in her home, but slowly she grows discontent, â€Å"But even as they were brought closer by the details of daily life, she was separated from by a growing sense of inward detachment† (874). Madame Bovary felt Charles was very boring and very plain and the married life was nothing like what she expected. Charles didn’t understand his wife’s feelings and that separated them even more â€Å"He took it for granted that she was content; and she res... Free Essays on Madame Bovary Free Essays on Madame Bovary A Critical Analysis of the Character â€Å"Madame Bovary† Of the Novel Madame Bovary By Gustave Flaubert The character of Madame Bovary consists of many different components. At first Emma Bovary seems content and unassuming. She doesn’t question anything done, and is very easy to please. As the first nine chapters progress, Emma grows uneasy and upset. She stops taking care of her house and home, leaving her husband to wonder what the problem is. After she witnesses the lavish lifestyle that is completely different from her own, in anger, Madame Bovary loses all love and respect for herself, her husband, her home, and slowly descends into a deep depression. When Monsieur Bovary first met Emma Rouault she was living and taking care of her sick father in Les Bertaux. She loved her father and worked hard to take care of him and their house. Emma Rouault also had a confidence about herself, â€Å" . . . she had an open gaze that met yours with fearless candor† (Flaubert, 858). This openness attracted the then married Monsieur Bovary. He had never encountered a woman like her before, and he spent time with her even after he was done taking care of her father, â€Å" . . . he went back the very next day, then twice a week regularly, not to mention unscheduled calls he made from time to time, as though by chance† (859). After Monsieur Bovary’ wife dies, he takes Emma as his wife and she moves with him to Tostes. After the couple is married, Madame Bovary finds happiness in her home, but slowly she grows discontent, â€Å"But even as they were brought closer by the details of daily life, she was separated from by a growing sense of inward detachment† (874). Madame Bovary felt Charles was very boring and very plain and the married life was nothing like what she expected. Charles didn’t understand his wife’s feelings and that separated them even more â€Å"He took it for granted that she was content; and she res... Free Essays on Madame Bovary Let’s be Real According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term realism can be defined as, â€Å"an inclination or attachment to what is real; tendency to regard things as they really are; any view or system contrasted with idealism.† In literature, realism is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity. It is most often associated with the literary movement arising in France during the nineteenth century; primarily, it is a reaction against Romanticism’s idealism and subjectivity. The French writer Gustave Flaubert and Leo Tolstoy from Russia are examples of Realist writers. Realists wanted a true representation in literature of reality of contemporary life and manners (Lawall 837). In order for Realist writers to be objective, â€Å"the personality of the author was to be suppressed or was at least to recede into the background, since reality was to be seen ‘as is’†(Lawall 837). For that reason, realism has been ch iefly preoccupied with the commonplaces of everyday life among the middle classes. Characters were no longer represented as heroes or mythological figures; instead, they had the traits of ordinary, middle class people. In addition, themes in realist literature are mundane and ugly such as prostitution, political corruption, and poverty. Written by Gustave Flaubert during the 1850s, the novel Madame Bovary is an example of realist literature. Through character, plot and style, Flaubert emphasizes several realist values and sensibilities. In the novel, the protagonist, Charles Bovary’s wife, Emma Bovary, is trapped inside the life that she lives along her husband because she is obsessed with the idealized vision of romantic love. In the end of the novel, Emma Bovary’s stress led her to commit suicide. Eckardt 2 One way that Flaubert asserts Realist values in Madame Bovary is through Charles Bovary’s character. Charles is a real character with simple desi... Free Essays on Madame Bovary Madame Bovary â€Å"The tragic flaws of Madame Bovary† Bovarysme is a psychological condition in which one deludes themselves into what they are, and to what is life’s potential for them. And bovaryistic is an appropriate adjective to use when discussing Emma Bovary, the main character in Gustave Flaubert’s novel Madame Bovary. Emma’s story is one of a woman, dissatisfied with her marriage that turns to other men for affairs, goes into debt, and eventually commits suicide. On the surface, this novel appears very simple yet ceases to be when one considers exactly why Emma behaved the way she did in Madame Bovary. Her tragic flaw was bovarysme but Emma behaved the way she did for several separate but connecting issues: she was a victim of her own romantic ideals, she lived during the ‘bourgeois century’, and her simply being a women. Emma fell victim to her own romanticism at a very young age. She was raised in a convent and her only ideas of love and marriage were from what she learned while reading her romantic novels. The problem with her reading these romantic novels is that because she had led a very sheltered existence up to this point, she had no idea how false those ideals where. Those novels, to Emma, brought about a basic false understanding of the world. Her expectations for life were too high and she did not know her own feelings, but merely those that she had read about in her stories. The first example of this is Emma’s marriage to Charles Bovary. Emma goes into the marriage with very high expectations, but is soon disappointed in her marriage from the very beginning. Emma shows her dramatic and romantic flair when deciding on how the marriage ceremony should go. â€Å"Emma would, on the contrary, have preferred to have a midnight wedding with torches, but old Rouault could not unde rstand such an idea† (17). This begins the pattern of what would continue for the rest of the novel. Emma dre... Free Essays on Madame Bovary As a young man, Flaubert was well aware of incompetence in the medical profession, and the middle class ‘lip service’, which her portrayed through Homais in Madame Bovary, and began to despise the mendacity of middle class all the more as he embraced the writings the likes of Rousseau, Lord Byron, and Sir Walter Scott. In Madame Bovary, Emma has a certain romantic aspect similar to Flaubert that is a longing for things to be perfect. This perfectionism was arguably an obsession for Flaubert as evidenced by the meticulous care and time he took to write this work. In college, Flaubert fell victim to excessive romantic ideals, such as those portrayed in Emma and had a failed marriage with an older woman. His personal attitudes about love are portrayed though Emma. After his divorce, he engaged in a relationship with the poetess Louise Colet that was mainly based on letter writing, just as Emma’s affairs with Rodolphe and Leon rely very much on written correspond ence. This relationship with Miss Colet, in which the two saw each other only six times in the first two years, illustrates clearly the fact that Flaubert, like Emma Bovary, liked the idea of having a lover more than actually having one. In 1844, after developing a nervous disorder that required him to retire to his family estate, Through the isolation and boredom of this provincial life that Emma Bovary was created not only as a representation of Flaubert’s romantic longings, but as a universal example of a woman bored with a mediocre life. He created a type of character, not a specific individual. He claimed that Emma Bovary was â€Å"suffering and weeping at this very moment in twenty villages in France†. Flaubert is quoted as having said â€Å"Madame Bovary c’est moi†, â€Å"I am Madame Bovary†, meaning that he, himself was possessed the same romantic traits as Emma. Part of the character Emma Bovary, is also based off the true story of Eu gene Delemare, who was ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Science Research Paper

Science Research Paper For years consciousness was not researched in the scientific community. The scientific community is very objective and saw the internal mental processes of consciousness as being too subjective to study. Just recently, scientists, philosophers, and psychologists have been rejecting the idea than consciousness is too hard to study and have been attempting to try to understand its true meaning. Consciousness is one of many mysteries in the scientific world that social scientists and neuroscientists presently can’t agree on. Consciousness has been at the center of many discussions in articles and books involving neuroscientists and psychologists. They have been debating over what field will constitute consciousness, psychology or neuroscience. Neuroscience is considered a â€Å"hard science† and Psychology is considered a â€Å"social science.† What do I mean by â€Å"hard science† and â€Å"social science?† A hard science is a science that is completely objective in its research and doesn’t speculate or determine the subjectivity of the area in which it is studying. A social science is a science that deals with the subjectivity of an area of study. Psychology is the science of the human soul. It is the scientific knowledge of the activities and functions of the human soul relating to the brain and consciousness experience. It is concerned with the facts and is objective to a point, but tends to speculate more than a hard science and also develops theories that are not necessarily able to be proven true. Because Psychology uses theories to tie the physical aspects to the psychological ones, it will have a greater role in the near future in explaining the mysteries of consciousness. What is consciousness? Many have tried to define consciousness but none presently have developed a definition that is acceptable to all scientists. Francis Crick, a Professor at Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, defines consciousness as, â€Å"attention and short term memory† (99). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines consciousness as â€Å"immediate knowledge or perception of the presence of any object, state, or sensation or a special awareness or sensitivity.† (174). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language has a more vivid definition of consciousness but neither fully explain all the elements involved in consciousness. Supporters of neuroscience believe that the mystery of consciousness can be solved using technology, and there is no need for social scientists to speculate over why the brain functions in the way it does. They believe in the future they will have the technology to understand all the functi ons of the brain. Psychologists on the other hand believe that technology can’t possibly answer the questions concerning how the brain interprets the things we perceive and what gives rise to subjective experience. David J. Chalmers, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona, categorizes the questions in consciousness into two types of categories. The â€Å"hard problems† and the â€Å"easy problems† (98). The â€Å"easy problems† are concerned with interpreting how the brain’s functions work. They are very objective questions and will probably be answered by neuroscience in the future. An example of an â€Å"easy problem† would be, how do different neurons in different sectors come together at a precise moment and form a picture in our brain? The â€Å"hard problems† deal with the â€Å"why† questions. They ask how the brain’s processes work to bring us a subjective experience. An example of a hard problem would be, why do we b ecome sad when a certain song is played? Other hard problems are how our eyes perceive things and why these neural pathways are connected to the brain. These questions are all questions that cannot possibly be explained by neuroscience, they may however be able to be explained by theories developed by psychologists. So far only the â€Å"easy questions† about consciousness have been addressed by scientists and neuroscientists, and there hasn’t been a theory devised by either neuroscientists or psychologists completely explaining what consciousness is. David J. Chalmers classifies the views of consciousness into two groups, mysterianism and reductionism (97). The reductionists believe that one day consciousness will be fully explained by the methods used only by the hard sciences. There are two key figures in the area of neuroscience that are considered reductionists. Francis Crick of the Salk Institute of Biological Studies in San Diego and Christof Koch of the California Institute of Technology, propose that â€Å"consciousness comes from certain oscillations in the cerebral cortex that fire neurons that are precisely synchronized with different parts of the brain† (99). In this way two pieces of information in the brain come together to make a whole picture. This hypothesis might in time answer one of the easy questions of consciousness but it doesn’t answer the hard question of why these oscillations give us a conscious experience. This explanation of consciousness and many others like it explain how the functions of the brain carry out functions but don’t touch on why the performance of these functions accompany a conscious experience. David J. Chalmers describes mysterians as â€Å"believing that consciousness will never be explained by either psychology or neuroscience† (97). He believes consciousness is very difficult to understand fully, but in time may be resolved by a new theory from the Psychological world. Such a theory would have to envelop physical laws that tell us about behavior in the physical systems of the brain. The new theory would also have to encompass psychological laws that tell us how those systems are associated with conscious experiences. If these two components are combined they will explain all there is to know about consciousness. This theory will not be conclusively testable because there will be a lot of speculation involved, but if the theory coincides with the data gathered from the physical research in experiments done, then it will be considered a good theory. Consciousness will always be a mystery to the â€Å"hard sciencesâ€Å" and the â€Å"social sciences.† Technology will not advance enough to fully explain consciousness in the near future. It will take a huge breakthrough in neuroscience to even begin to explain all the elements that give rise to a conscious experience. The only way consciousness will be explained presently is by a psychological theory that can tie physical aspects into psychological aspects. To accomplish this, one must do some speculation, and if one has to speculate, his theory will not be acceptable to the hard sciences because it isn’t backed by hard facts. There is no plausible way neuroscience can explain all the elements related to consciousness because its technological resources are so limited. Psychology can theorize about why the brain’s functions operate the way they do, but they will ultimately have no way of proving their theories. Both areas of science have their weaknesses, bu t psychology is much closer to explaining the â€Å"why† questions about consciousness than is neuroscience. Neither Neuroscience nor psychology may ever understand consciousness, but psychology is our best bet in our quest to understand the functions of the brain that make us aware, or conscious.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Modes of Modifiers

10 Modes of Modifiers 10 Modes of Modifiers 10 Modes of Modifiers By Mark Nichol A modifier is a sentence element a word or a phrase that provides details. Three types of modifiers exist: those that qualify by answering the question of how or under what conditions something occurs, those that set conditions or explain circumstances by answering the question of who, what, when, where, and why, and those that provide reasons or conclusions. Modifiers can also be classified into these categories: 1. Initial dependent clause: â€Å"Even though I was tired, I went for a walk.† 2. Initial infinitive phrase: â€Å"To calm down, I went for a walk.† 3. Initial adverb: â€Å"Immediately, I went for a walk.† 4. Initial participial phrase: â€Å"Trying to distract myself, I went for a walk.† 5. Mid-sentence appositive: â€Å"I, in an effort to calm down, went for a walk.† 6. Mid-sentence participial phrase: â€Å"I, trying to distract myself, went for a walk.† 7. Terminal present participial phrase: â€Å"I went for a walk, hoping to distract myself.† 8. Terminal past participial phrase: â€Å"I went for a walk, soothed by the breeze.† 9. Terminal resumptive phrase: â€Å"I went for a walk a walk that did me good.† 10. Terminal summative phrase: â€Å"I went for a walk, an activity that calmed me down and distracted me from my troubles.† And, for a bonus, employ a combination of phrases: â€Å"Even though I was tired, I, in an effort to distract myself, went for a walk, soothed by the breeze.† Thanks to this variety of ways to modify a sentence, writers need not be concerned about producing pedestrian prose. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because† or â€Å"Because Of†What's a Male Mistress?Careful with Words Used as Noun and Verb

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Teaching and presentation skills FOR NURSING AND SOCIAL WORK SKILLS Assignment

Teaching and presentation skills FOR NURSING AND SOCIAL WORK SKILLS - Assignment Example I will evaluate and analyse my teaching practice using SWOT analysis in order to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of my teaching practice. The first stage of Gibbs Model is description which requires me to describe the situation or event I dealt with. I was required to deliver a lesson using teaching and presentation skills. The lesson I selected for this purpose was on Direct Payments. The aim of my lesson was to enable the students to explore the idea of Direct Payments and to provide them a guideline about how payments are arranged and supported within councils. The experience of teaching was quite new to me yet I decided to work hard. To build up confidence for the task I studied extensively and prepared attractive teaching aids. I studied all the important aspects of Direct Payments and prepared my notes for the lesson. Using these notes I made some colourful slides containing all the important points of the lesson and some diagrams showing the direct payment procedures. In order to make my teaching effective I also prepared the case study notes and handouts. I presented well to my peers, but I was very nervous due to stage fright. The first two minutes of the presentation were really hard since I was feeling anxiety. I was conscious about the facial expressions of my students who were in reality my peers. However, to hide my nervousness I kept my voice a bit loud and held my hands on the dais in order to appear calm and confident. In the beginning I was not quite sure about how the students and my evaluators felt about my lesson but with the passage of time I became more confident and delivered the whole lesson within the prescribed time. The response of my peers or students was quite encouraging which was evident from their high level of interest and good class participation. Their positive response made me feel more confident and self-assured. The third stage in Gibbs (1988) model of reflection is evaluation in which I am

Friday, October 18, 2019

Artist Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Artist Research - Essay Example The two images, the mother/daughter, and the Rites of Passage show tensions coming up as the digital representation connects with both the photographic or analogue view. Both images are created using a video digitizer and then superimposed on a live video image. The final images are as photographs from the computer monitor. Joan Truckenbrod uses various phenomena in her work in trying to make an impression in the eye. Both of these works are envisioned into the natural world that at many times is invisible from the naked eye. She uses phenomena such as wind currents reshaping material in their path and electrical vibration with electrons theatrically playing. Her algorithmic images extended into color and transformative patterns (Renee Diane Klaas, 2) The invisible phenomena in motion are represented by patterns from sequential series and finally they are transferred on fabric by used of xerography. As a digital artist, Joan Truckenbrod’s work is truly a masterpiece. To start with the images are truly eye catching and only then does an artist realize the energy and effort put in making the images a reality is just incredible. She is a pioneer in the digital arts being a professor in Art and Technology Department at The School of Art Institute in Chicago. She is among the first artists to exhibit digital images in the 70’s. Art is a story and Joan can tell her stories and express what she sees in her world in a very creative manner. The use of various phenomena in the production of her digital images is just remarkable (Renee Diane Klaas, 2).Any artist viewing her work can realize that digital production goes beyond algorithmic images but the artist has to put in a lot of creativity in balancing the different phenomena so that the final product is remarkable. Both her works show the deep inspiration of an artist expressing herself to the world. Works of art should not only be by impulse or the desire of an artist to be busy.

The Gun- Control Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Gun- Control Debate - Essay Example A person feels a lot safe when he is in custody of a small weapon for his personal protection. These people accused the other side of politicizing this shooting issue. Therefore, there is an ongoing heated debate around the country. The proponents of gun control point out to the consequences of lax measures, whereas the opponents of gun control point to the constitutional right of possessing arms and ammunition. The Dishonest Gun- Control Debate Kevin Williamson in â€Å"The Dishonest Gun- Control Debate† has appealed to both the judgment and the emotions of the American people. The goal of this author is to convince the audience that the gun control debate is unfair and corrupt. Williamson states several rational arguments to put forward his point of view that the debate is deceitful. He argues that there is no connection between guns and crime rate and puts down several facts and figures as well as comparisons between countries. Statistics show that there is no correlation b etween guns and crime committed. There are places in the world where there are huge stockpiles of guns but no crimes, others where there are fewer guns and still less crime. Likewise, he mentions a research study by Zack Beauchamp to point out the tactics used by the politicians to manipulate the gun violence statistics. Through this, he has tried to appeal to the better sense of the American people. The writer has made an excellent use of some of the rhetoric devices to persuade the audience to his point of view. When the writer states, â€Å"We hear a lot about â€Å"gun deaths† in the United States, but we hear less often the fact that the great majority of those deaths are suicides,† he made effective use of antanagoge- criticizing and complimenting together to lessen the impact of the point. The writer has made an impressive use of epithet- a describing adjective- to appeal to the audiences’ emotions. Similarly, Williamson has mentioned an anecdote from his personal life to provide his perspective on the debate. He states that he lived years in one of the most voiced crime riddled area of New York; however, he never became a victim despite travelling late at nights. The author has made use a vibrant tone in his article. He has used some of the authoritative words and phrases to illustrate the grim of the debate. At the same time, the author has maintained an eloquent structure of writing where opinions, facts and illustrations are presented in a coherent manner. Nonetheless, Williamson has lacked in the effective usage of pathos and clearly failed to appeal to the emotions of the people. However, Williamson has, overall, made an effective use of the rhetoric devices to appeal to the sense of the people. The Gun Debate is a Cultural Debate Trevor Burrus in â€Å"The Gun Control Debate is a Cultural Debate† argues that the gun issue has always been a cultural issue. One culture argues that gun possession leads to violence while t he other follows that gun possession promotes safety. Therefore, the author in this article has tried to convince the people about the presence of cultural divide on this issue through logical reasoning as well as appealing to the community beliefs and attitudes. The writer has tried to make effective use of anecdote, epithet, appositive, apostrophe and logos to persuade the audience to his point of view. However, the logical reasoning

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Difference between rationalism and empiricism Essay

Difference between rationalism and empiricism - Essay Example Rationalist believe that truth exists and rational and logic can grasp truth. Empiricism Empiricism is a Greek Philosophy Empiricism is a philosophy which bases on experience for knowledge This philosophy establishes that sensory experience is the sole way to gain knowledge Empiricism is related to the material world and phenomenon of universe. Empiricism is related to posteriori knowledge which means knowledge need experience. Empiricism explains that all human ideas are based on some outward experience Empiricsim is a psychological thought. Empiricism is philosophical theory which believe on intelligent assessment of things in universe Empiricist believe that knowledge is gained though experience and not by innate ideas. Plausibility of the theories Rationalism -Rationalism is a theory which is based on logic or rational. It is right that logic is predisposed with us who give us the ability to understand between right and wrong. If a person does not have logic then it is not possib le for him to evaluate experience or gain knowledge. However, logic itself cannot give knowledge, as human being is social beings some kind of experience can complete our knowledge level. The strength of this philosophy is universal and eternal which means that if one person can think then all others can as well. Rationalism makes us independent because we don’t need experience from outside to increase our knowledge. This philosophy believes in innate ideas and hence is natural and pure. The weakness of this philosophy is that only by thinking one cannot gain knowledge. For example ;We can imagine of a strawberry of how it would look like but we can never think of it taste. This is because our brain does not have the faculty to give sense of taste of aching which we never... Rationalism -Rationalism is a theory which is based on logic or rational. It is right that logic is predisposed with us who give us the ability to understand between right and wrong. If a person does not have logic then it is not possible for him to evaluate experience or gain knowledge. However, logic itself cannot give knowledge, as a human being is social beings some kind of experience can complete our knowledge level. The strength of this philosophy is universal and eternal which means that if one person can think then all others can as well. Rationalism makes us independent because we don’t need experience from outside to increase our knowledge. This philosophy believes in innate ideas and hence is natural and pure. The weakness of this philosophy is that only by thinking one cannot gain knowledge. For example, We can imagine of a strawberry of how it would look like but we can never think of its taste. This is because our brain does not have the faculty to give a sense o f taste of aching which we never experienced.Empiricism -The main strength of empiricism is that it believes that knowledge can come only through experience which is obtained through sensory organs. We learn from scientific methods and experiments and gain knowledge more and more. According to this philosophy, the best way to understand things is to see with the eyes. The second strength of empiricism is that it gives experimental reasoning. Here the past experience and observation contribute to the gaining of knowledge.

Research into the Software Required to support a True Distributed Essay

Research into the Software Required to support a True Distributed Computer System - Essay Example and Lau, F., 1999. Special issue on software support for distributed computing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing - Special issue on software support for distributed computing, 59(2), pp.101-06. 19 Introduction Ever-increasing competition and quick developments in information and communication systems, technologies, and a great deal of proliferation of low-cost workstations and PCs have offered a broad avenue for distributed computing to develop into a conventional computing structure and arrangement. At present, distributed computing is no longer limited to literature and advanced research laboratories; however, it is now easily in reach of a huge community of technology producers and clients. In fact, the transformation of status would not have been possible if there were not considerable endeavours that technology and communication researchers have offered for the development of essential supporting application, distributed OS, remote procedure calls, network file syst ems, OO (object oriented) middleware and message passing interfaces (Ahmad and Lau, 1999). In addition, the arrival of the WWW (World Wide Web) and high speed broadband Internet connections have as well put fuel to such kind of technology transformation. Presently, the Internet has turned out to be one of the biggest distributed systems. Currently, it is being utilized by the majority of people to resolve very complicated and challenging issues such as â€Å"search† to discover the biggest prime number, intended for space intelligence, and to break the RC5 block encrypted cipher, etc. In this scenario, a lot of huge and worldwide distributed systems are in progress to develop a huge â€Å"Globe system.† This Global system will offer an excellent support for resolving global issues (Ahmad and Lau, 1999). This essay discusses the software required to support a true distributed computer system. This research will provide a detailed overview of true distributed computing e nvironment that is a necessity to develop and use appropriate co-operating subsystems. Distributed Computing Environment: An overview The distributed environment is in some sense overcoming the limitations of traditional computing offering independence from the Personal Computers (PCs) to the golden or dark period of the mainframe. In the past, computers were single user machines with minimum storage capacities. Hence, the appearance of time-sharing machines and operating systems provided excellent opportunities to people all around the world. In fact, it allowed them to make use of the same hardware framework to support several people working simultaneously or cooperating with each other. Additionally, with the arrival of wide area networks (WANs), this cooperation further extended across the world and up till now simply needs a few central points of integrity control and management (Trireme, 2004; Nemeth and Sunderam, 2002). In addition, the arrival of the workstations took the pe ople right back to single user machi

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Difference between rationalism and empiricism Essay

Difference between rationalism and empiricism - Essay Example Rationalist believe that truth exists and rational and logic can grasp truth. Empiricism Empiricism is a Greek Philosophy Empiricism is a philosophy which bases on experience for knowledge This philosophy establishes that sensory experience is the sole way to gain knowledge Empiricism is related to the material world and phenomenon of universe. Empiricism is related to posteriori knowledge which means knowledge need experience. Empiricism explains that all human ideas are based on some outward experience Empiricsim is a psychological thought. Empiricism is philosophical theory which believe on intelligent assessment of things in universe Empiricist believe that knowledge is gained though experience and not by innate ideas. Plausibility of the theories Rationalism -Rationalism is a theory which is based on logic or rational. It is right that logic is predisposed with us who give us the ability to understand between right and wrong. If a person does not have logic then it is not possib le for him to evaluate experience or gain knowledge. However, logic itself cannot give knowledge, as human being is social beings some kind of experience can complete our knowledge level. The strength of this philosophy is universal and eternal which means that if one person can think then all others can as well. Rationalism makes us independent because we don’t need experience from outside to increase our knowledge. This philosophy believes in innate ideas and hence is natural and pure. The weakness of this philosophy is that only by thinking one cannot gain knowledge. For example ;We can imagine of a strawberry of how it would look like but we can never think of it taste. This is because our brain does not have the faculty to give sense of taste of aching which we never... Rationalism -Rationalism is a theory which is based on logic or rational. It is right that logic is predisposed with us who give us the ability to understand between right and wrong. If a person does not have logic then it is not possible for him to evaluate experience or gain knowledge. However, logic itself cannot give knowledge, as a human being is social beings some kind of experience can complete our knowledge level. The strength of this philosophy is universal and eternal which means that if one person can think then all others can as well. Rationalism makes us independent because we don’t need experience from outside to increase our knowledge. This philosophy believes in innate ideas and hence is natural and pure. The weakness of this philosophy is that only by thinking one cannot gain knowledge. For example, We can imagine of a strawberry of how it would look like but we can never think of its taste. This is because our brain does not have the faculty to give a sense o f taste of aching which we never experienced.Empiricism -The main strength of empiricism is that it believes that knowledge can come only through experience which is obtained through sensory organs. We learn from scientific methods and experiments and gain knowledge more and more. According to this philosophy, the best way to understand things is to see with the eyes. The second strength of empiricism is that it gives experimental reasoning. Here the past experience and observation contribute to the gaining of knowledge.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for Pre Menstrual Syndrome Essay

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for Pre Menstrual Syndrome - Essay Example Acupuncture is the process of inserting thin needles into specific parts of the body to release blocked energy and eases bloating and sweating (Marshall). This long practiced tradition is used for pain control and psychosomatic illnesses (Habek, Habek and Barbir). Although there is not enough conclusive evidence that can substantiate the use of acupuncture, it is still a method that should be considered as an alternative or a complement for other treatment. It is a holistic approach that affects the hormones called endorphins which results to the patients feeling better. Most women who have tried, registers a marked reduction in PMS symptoms (Habek, Habek and Barbir). It is difficult to understand PMS for someone who has not experienced such. An alternative treatment such as acupuncture might be the answer especially for those who have tried the usual methods. There are a number of doctors who approve of the method and have seen improvement in the lives of their patients. The treatment usually lasts for 45 minutes to 1 hour per session. For better results, doctors advise regular treatment. Acupuncture does not have side effects like medication and if coupled with a balanced diet and exercise, it might prove as the better alternative for a lot more women. Habek, Dubravko, Jasna Cerkez Habek and Ante Barbir. "SpringerLink.com." 2002. Using Acupuncture to Treat Premenstrual Syndrome. 1 December 2011

Organizational Behavior in Criminal Justice Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior in Criminal Justice Essay Organizational behavior in a criminal justice agency is the way in which employees and their superiors interact amongst themselves and with one another both positively and negatively. Organizational behavior itself is the study of social conduct as it relates to the confines of a specific group. It is the study of how an individual or group interacts with one another and the dynamics of the personal relationships that evolve from that contact (Duan, Lam, Chen, Zhong, 2010). The shifting paradigm trends describe by Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (2008) can be used to delve further into the understanding of the organizational behavior that exists in most criminal justice agencies. The archetypical performance falls into one of seven categories; commitment to ethical behavior, importance of human capital, demise of command-and-control, emphasis on team work, pervasive influence of information technology, respect for new workforce expectations, and changing careers. From these trends both positive and negative characteristics of criminal justice agencies can be identified. â€Å"Commitment to ethical behavior: Highly publicized scandals involving unethical and illegal business practices prompt concerns for ethical behavior in the workplace; there is growing intolerance for breaches of public faith by organizations and those who run them† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). In criminal justice agencies ethical violations often are handled with little fan fair. Any level of impropriety introduced in the prying public eye can have innumerous repercussions. The loss of public support and trust can be a huge problem, but it affects the internal structure too. Depending on how fairly and swiftly the situation is handled determines whether or not those in charge gain or lose respect. Judgments will be passed on how the situation was controlled, and how it should have been dealt with. In delicate matters like this behaviors of retaliation and accusations of bias are important to be kept at a minimum. â€Å"Importance of human capital: A dynamic and complex environment poses continuous challenges; sustained success is earned through knowledge, experience, and commitments of people as valuable human assets of organizations† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). The workforce is the heart of a criminal justice agency. It should be the single most cherished asset. The appreciation of experience by an organization is vital. But more importantly the recognition, respect, and aspiration by new members and seasoned is a must. This necessity recognizes a clear chain of command and model of training. â€Å"Demise of command-and-control: Traditional hierarchical structures are proving incapable of handling new environmental pressures and demands; they are being replaced by flexible structures and participatory work settings that fully value human capital† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). Shared responsibility and the extinction of the â€Å"because it h as always been done that way† is a requirement in the modern criminal justice agency. It is being replaced by the attitude that the old way is not always the best way, and we all have a lot to learn from one another. While command still flows in one direction; ideas can come from anywhere. â€Å"Emphasis on teamwork: Organizations today are less vertical and more horizontal in focus; driven by complex environments and customer demands, work is increasingly team based with a focus on peer contributions† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). In a criminal justice agency teamwork may have become common place, but improvements still need to be made in the area of information sharing. While no man is an island, neither is an agency. For the sake of public welfare resources need to be pooled. â€Å"Pervasive influence of information technology: As computers penetrate all aspects of the workplace, implications for workflows, work arrangements, and organizational systems and processes are far-reaching† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). We are in the information technology age and the correct resources and know-how can be the deciding factor in the constant struggle bet ween criminals and policing agencies. Increased educational and computer skills demands are needed to boost and maintain an advantage at any level of criminal justice agency. â€Å"Respect for new workforce expectations: The new generation of workers is less tolerant of hierarchy, more informal, and less concerned about status; organizations are paying more attention to helping members balance work responsibilities and personal affairs† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). While a certain amount of attention should be paid to new workforce expectations it is important not to compromise the integrity of the job expectations. A balanced life should lead to a happy and relaxed employee who theoretically should also be more effective and efficient in an effort to maintain employment in the desired environment. Employer’s must remain fair but also realize their top priority in the criminal justice field is not to ensure employee happiness. An employee who can balance work and a private life on his own should be a valuable commodity. â€Å"Changing careers: The new realities of a global economy find employers using more â€Å"offshoring† and â€Å"outsourcing† of jobs; more individuals are now working as independent contractors rather than as traditional full-time employees† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, para. 14). In criminal justice agency this trend is no different. It is not uncommon for governments to hire private security firms and private corrections companies. However, by outsourcing such positions power is lost in the public sector. Monitoring a regulations create more work when dealing with outside policing forces. It also opens up a gray area for bad behavior and a hired gun mentality. While roles may be redefined privatization of criminal justice agencies can be more of a problem than a convenience. Study of workplace environments and the effects of the personnel’s behavior can only continue to bring about recognition of areas in need of improvement. Works Cited Duan, J., Lam, W., Chen, Z., Zhong, J.A. (2010). Leadership justice, negative organizational behaviors, and the mediating effect of affective commitment. Social Behavior Personality: An International Journal, 38(9), 1287-1296. Retrieved from http://biere.louisiana.edu:2092/ehost/detail?hid=17sid=5d563aca-ec9a-43c49e42db48b73a6784%40sessionmgr4vid=4bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=sihAN=54018927 Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J. G., Osborn, R. N. (2008). Organizational Behavior. Available from https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader.aspx.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Definition Of Health Management Essay

The Definition Of Health Management Essay This assignment is actually will describe about the contradictory demand of cost reduction program and the need to invest to enhance the standard of health, safety and environment (HSE) in the industry. This assignment consist of the definition of Health, the definition of Safety, the definition of environment, Professional Organization in Malaysia, Cost Reduction, Profit, Discussion and also the Conclusion of this assignment. 2.0 THE DEFINITION OF HEALTH Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a persons mind and body, usually meaning to be free from  illness,  injury  or  pain  (as in good health or healthy). The  World Health Organization  (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in humans are undertaken by  health care providers. Applications with regard to animal health are covered by the veterinary sciences. The term healthy is also widely used in the context of many types of non-living organizations and their impacts for the benefit of humans, such as in the sense of  healthy communities,  healthy cities  or  healthy environments. In addition to health care interventions and a persons surroundings, a number of other factors ar e known to influence the health status of individuals, including their background, lifestyle, and economic and social conditions, these are referred to as determinants of health. Generally, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance for his health status and quality of life. It is increasingly recognized that health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of  health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent  lifestyle  choices of the individual and society. According to the  World Health Organization, the main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the persons individual characteristics and behaviours. 3.0 THE DEFINITION OF SAFETY Safety  is the state of being safe, the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage,  error,  accidents,  harm  or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions. There are two slightly different meanings of  safety. For example,  home safety  may indicate a buildings ability to protect against external harm events (such as weather, home invasion, etc.), or may indicate that its internal installations (such as appliances, stairs, etc.) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its inhabitants. Safety is the condition of a steady state of an organization or place doing what it is supposed to do. What it is supposed to do is defined in terms of public codes and standards, associated architectural and engineering designs, corporate vision and mission statements, and operational plans and personnel policies. For any organization, place, or function, large or small, safety is a normative concept. It complies with situation-specific definitions of what is expected and acceptable. Security is the process or means, physical or human, of delaying, preventing, and otherwise protecting against external or internal, defects, dangers, loss, criminals, and other individuals or actions that threaten, hinder or destroy an organizations steady state, and deprive it of its intended purpose for being. Safety can be limited in relation to some  guarantee  or a standard of  insurance  to the quality and unharmful function of an object or organization. It is used in order to ensure that the object or organization will do only what it is meant to do. It is important to realize that safety is relative. Eliminating all  risk, if even possible, would be extremely difficult and very expensive. A safe situation is one where risks of injury or property damage are low and manageable. 4.0 THE DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENT 4.1 Environment system In  science  and  engineering, a  system  is the part of the  universe  that is being studied, while the  environment  is the remainder of the universe that lies outside the boundaries of the system. It is also known as the  surroundings, and in  thermodynamics, as the  reservoir. In some disciplines, such as  information theory,  information  may also be exchanged. The environment is ignored in analysis of the system, except in regards to these interactions. The Environmental systems are vital to the human race and to all living organisms. Without the systems in place and working, we would all cease to exist. Rivers and streams are an example, if the system of this were to not work, then the whole system would collapse. 4.2 Environmental Health Environmental health  is a branch of  public health  concerned with all aspects of the  natural  and  built environment  that may affect human  health. Other phrases that concern or refer to the discipline of environmental health include  environmental public health  and  environmental health and protection. The field of environmental health differs from  environmental science  in that environmental health is concerned with environmental factors affecting human health whereas environmental science is concerned with the environment as it affects ecosystems. Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behaviour not related to environme nt, as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural environment, and genetics. Environmental health is defined by the  World Health Organization. Those aspects of the human health and disease that are determined by factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially affect health. Environmental health as used by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, includes both the direct pathological effects of chemicals, radiation and some biological agents, and the effects (often indirect) on health and well being of the broad physical, psychological, social and cultural environment, which includes housing, urban development, land use and transport. 4.3 Environmental Health Profession Environmental health practitioners may be known as  sanitarians,  public health inspectors, environmental health specialists,  environmental health officers  or environmental health practitioners. In many European countries, physicians and veterinarians are involved in environmental health. In the United Kingdom, practitioners must have a graduate degree in environmental health and be certified and registered with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. In Canada, practitioners in environmental health are required to obtain an approved bachelors degree in environmental health along with the national professional certificate the Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada). Many states in the  United States  also require that individuals have a bachelors degree and professional  licenses  in order to practice environmental health. 4.4 Disciplines of Environmental Health Three basic disciplines generally contribute to the field of environmental health. The three disciplines of Environmental Health is environmental epidemiology, toxicology, and exposure science. Each of these disciplines contributes different information to describe problems in environmental health, but there is some overlap among them. Environmental epidemiology  studies the relationship between environmental exposures (including exposure to chemicals, radiation, microbiological agents, etc.) and human health. Observational studies, which simply observe exposures that people have already experienced, are common in environmental epidemiology because humans cannot ethically be exposed to agents that are known or suspected to cause disease. While the inability to use experimental study designs is a limitation of environmental epidemiology, this discipline directly observes effects on human health rather than estimating effects from animal studies. Toxicology  studies how environmental exposures lead to specific health outcomes, generally in animals, as a means to understand possible health outcomes in humans. Toxicology has the advantage of being able to conduct randomized controlled trials and other experimental studies because they can use animal subjects. However there are many differences in animal and human biology, and there can be a lot of uncertainty when interpreting the results of  animal studies  for their implications for human health. Exposure science  studies human exposure to environmental contaminants by both identifying and quantifying exposures. Exposure science can be used to support environmental epidemiology by better describing environmental exposures that may lead to a particular health outcome, identify common exposures whose health outcomes may be better understood through a toxicology study, or can be used in a risk assessment to determine whether current levels of exposure might exceed recommended levels. Exposure science has the advantage of being able to very accurately quantify exposures to specific chemicals, but it does not generate any information about health outcomes like environmental epidemiology or toxicology. Information from these three disciplines can be combined to conduct a  risk assessment  for specific chemicals or mixtures of chemicals to determine whether an exposure poses significant risk to human health. 5.0 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION IN MALAYSIA 1. Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Agency OSHA is comprised of a diverse team of safety and quality professionals whose expertise is focused on what the company does best. With technical expertise as diverse and complex as the sites and facilities of its clients, OSHA is strategically positioned to help the regulated community manage a wide range of technical and regulatory issues related to past, present and future operations. OSHA is distinguished by the range and variety of professional disciplines it provides; the advanced technical expertise of OSHA staff; and professional contributions that OSHA has made to industry as well as the local community through participation in a number of projects and events that have helped to raise public awareness related to safety, and quality concerns. OSHA has established long term-valued relationships with our clients, providing customized approaches to occupational injury and illness prevention.   The OSHA organization work closely and discretely with clients to identify hazards and provide perspective on risk. OSHA can then correct deficiencies and improve performance within an existing organizational framework. 2. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Malaysia is a company limited by guarantee owned by the Government of Malaysia. In the words of the Minister of Human Resources, Malaysia, NIOSH would be a critical catalyst in the promotion of occupational safety and health that would also serve as the backbone to create a self-regulating occupational safety and health culture in Malaysia. NIOSH is committed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment to all employees and others involved in or affected by its operation taking into account statutory requirement and relevant national and international standards and codes of practices.   Implementation and effectiveness of this policy is a line management responsibility together with the participation and involvement of all employees and NIOSH will ensure that adequate resources, training and time are made available.   Safety and Health management systems and programmes will be regularly reviewed to ensure continuous improvement. Humanistic approach will be adopted by NIOSH to promote a safe and healthy work culture which employer and employees share the common responsibility of creating a better work environment for all. This policy will be monitored to ensure achievement of our objectives and reviewed in light of legislative or organizational changes. 6.0 COST REDUCTION Cost reduction  is the process used by companies to reduce their  costs  and increase their  profits. Depending on a companys  services  or  product, the strategies can vary. However, it is important to remember that every decision in the product development process affects  cost. Companies typically launch a new product without focusing too much on cost. Cost becomes more important when competition increases and price becomes a differentiator in the market. There are several types of main cost reduction strategies:- Supplier consolidation Component consolidation Re-source to low cost countries Request For Quotations Supplier cost breakdown analysis Function analysis / Value analysis / Value engineering Design For Manufacture / Design For Assembly Reverse costing Cost driver analysis Should cost Product benchmarking Design to cost Design workshops with suppliers Competitor benchmarking There are right  cost reduction  techniques and there are wrong ones. Using the right strategies will result in a more efficient company spending. Using the wrong techniques will create a reduction of expenses required to maintain product quality and company value. It is a fine line sometimes, but a systematic approach can help managers avoid making serious mistakes in the rush to cut expenses. Cost management strategies should be utilized as components of a larger objective to maintain maximum profitability. As such, cutting expenses will be just one part of a plan that focuses also on maximizing revenue. Effective techniques will begin with the setting of goals and objectives. There can be many reasons why a company might need to cut costs. To create additional cash reserves To reduce price of product or service To bring expenses in line with revenues To eliminate unnecessary expenses or wasteful spending To increase company value To increase competitive advantage To move costs between departments Identifying the goal of the expense reduction exercise will assist with implementation of an effective plan. In other words, if you dont know why you are cutting costs, how are you going to know where to cut costs? The purpose of expense reduction is to help the company towards long term survival. Purposes of expense reduction include: Create cash for reinvest in research and development Reduce manufacturing costs to stay competitive Reduce costs as a non profit so able to serve more people Lower costs of service in order to provide additional services To become more efficient To prevent employee lay-offs To prevent reduction in employee benefits Cost reduction techniques should also be evaluated in terms of impact on the organization. Prioritizing the goals of the cost cutting program will insure that the strategies are implemented appropriately. There are many different ways a company can institute a plan to reduce expenses. Across the board reductions Prioritized reductions Departmental reductions Reductions based on professional assessment Cost reduction techniques can be an important strategy for another reason. They can teach a company to be economical, by forcing a regular review of spending at every level of the organization. It can keep a company vital and streamlined. The Alternate Considered Cost Reduction Ideas When seeking to reduce its expenditures on goods and services, the first thought in many organizations is Lets find cheaper suppliers. But in many cases, sourcing for new suppliers are either not practical or its a suboptimal alternative.  Fortunately, there are several ideas for achieving cost reductions without switching suppliers. Ask You May Receive   Ask your suppliers if they have cost savings ideas. You never know when the answer may surprise you.   Aggregation   According to Patton, Aggregation is any effort that makes the buyers requirements more attractive to the seller by bundling those requirements with the volume of other buyers. This can be internal across business units or geographies or external with other companies. For external bundling, you can build your own consortium or join an existing group purchasing organization. Spec Rationalization   Spec Rationalization involves looking at the goods and services you buy and determining smarter ways to specify them. Patton shares an example from previous employment: We discovered that we had between 80 and 100 different specifications across the company worldwide for water. No reasonable person in Purchasing or Engineering is gonna say that we really need that many specs for water.   Leveraging The Supply Chain   In this technique, youre looking at suppliers suppliers, one or two steps back in the supply chain, Patton explains. Sometimes, the biggest cost component in the equation is really out of your own immediate suppliers direct control. Patton recommends working to identify situations where several of your suppliers buy the same material towards what they make for you and then leveraging that combined demand to drive cost reductions from lower tier suppliers. 7.0 PROFIT A financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity. Any profit that is gained goes to the businesss owners, who may or may not decide to spend it on the business. Calculated as: Profit = Total Revenue Total Expenses Profit is the money a business makes after accounting for all the expenses. Regardless of whether the business is a couple of kids running a lemonade stand or a publicly traded multinational company, consistently earning profit is every companys goal. 7.1 Economic Profit In neoclassical  microeconomic  theory, the term  profit  has two related but distinct meanings.  Normal profit  represents the total  opportunity costs  of a venture to an investor, whereas  economic profit  is, at least in the  neoclassical microeconomic theory  which dominates modern economics, the difference between a  firms total  revenue  and all costs (including normal profit).   A related concept, sometimes considered synonymous in certain contexts, is that of  economic rent. Other types of profit have been referenced, including  social profit  (related to  externalities). It is not to be confused with  profit in finance and accounting, which is equal to revenue minus only explicit costs and  super profit. Profit is not synonymous with the concepts of profitability and the  profit motive. 7.2 Normal Profit Normal  profit is a component of (implicit) costs and so not a component of business profit at all. It represents the opportunity cost for enterprise, since the time that the owner spends running the firm could be spent on running another firm. The enterprise component of normal profit is thus the profit that a business owner considers necessary to make running the business worth his while for example it is comparable to the next best amount the entrepreneur could earn doing another job. Particularly if enterprise is not included as a  factor of production, it can also be viewed a return to capital for investors including the entrepreneur, equivalent to the return the capital owner could have expected (in a safe investment), plus compensation for risk.   In other words, the cost of normal profit varies both within and across industries; it is commensurate with the riskiness associated with each type of investment, as per the risk-return spectrum. Only normal profits arise in ci rcumstances of  perfect competition  when long run  economic equilibrium  is reached; there is no incentive for firms to either enter or leave the industry. 8.0 DISCUSSION 1. Cost Reduction  by Design How to Reduce Product Cost by Design: Practice  Concurrent Engineering  with early and active participation of manufacturing, purchasing, vendors, etc. Implement  Design for Manufacturability  ( DFM ),  Design for Lean, and  Design for Quality For dramatic cost reduction   half cost to order-of-magnitude  Ã‚  optimize the concept/architecture phase To convert ideas, research or prototypes into viable products, use commercialization techniques to ensure success Activities Supportive to Low Cost Product Development: Co-locating Engineering with Manufacturing  ensures the best teamwork; avoid distant  off shoring If outsourcing, choose local vendors which ensures early and active vendor participation in product development teams Pre-select Vendor/Partners  who will help develop products, avoid low-bidding so that vendors will help with design Implement  standardization  and good product portfolio planning for the best focus Total cost measurements  to quantify all costs affected by design Correcting  Counterproductive Policies.  Ã‚  New ventures and start-ups will be able to implement these principles right away. Established companies may have to first correct  counterproductive policies, by prioritizing portfolio planning, scrutinizing high-overhead sales, emphasizing thorough up-front work, quantifying all costs, and avoiding time-draining attempts to  reduce cost after design, going for the  low-bidder, or  moving production offshore. See full  article on counterproductive policies. 2.  Lean Production  Cost Reduction How to Reduce Manufacturing Cost: Implement Lean Production Activities Supportive to Lean Production: Design product families for lean production Concurrently Engineer flexible processes Implement  standardization to enable  dock-to-line distribution Rationalize products to eliminate the most unusual products with the most unusual parts and processes Total cost measurements to quantify all costs related to manufacturing Keep control of manufacturing in house or with vendor/partners. 3.  Overhead  Cost Reduction How to Reduce Overhead Cost: Implement  Build-to-Order  and  Mass Customization  to build products on-demand without forecasts or inventory Activities Supportive to Build-to-Order Mass Customization: Implement  lean production Rationalize products Total cost measurements  to quantify overhead costs 4.  Standardization  Cost Reduction How to Reduce Cost with Standardization: Implement Standardization  with a practical procedure has been developed to standardize part and materials for new designs Activities Supportive to Standardization: Rationalize products  to eliminate or outsource the most unusual products that have the most unusual parts and materials Total cost measurements  to justify standardization efforts and encourage picking standard parts 5.  Product Line Rationalization  Cost Reduction How to Reduce Cost with Product Line Rationalization: Implement Product Line Rationalization  to eliminate or outsource low-profit products that have high overhead demands and are not compatible with cost reduction strategies Activities Supportive to Product Line Rationalization: Product Portfolio Planning focuses new product development Total cost measurements  to identify opportunities and supports rationalization decisions 6.  Supply Chain Management  Cost Reduction How to Reduce Cost in Supply Chain Management: Design products around standard parts  to simplify Supply Chain Management Standardize parts  to focus Supply Chain Management on high-volume, easy to get parts Rationalize away the most unusual products  which have the most usual, hardest-to-get parts Establish Vendor/Partnerships, which saves more money than  low-bidding Activities Supportive to Supply Chain Cost Reduction: Total cost measurements  to encourage and justify standardization and rationalization Dont merge acquired products into the same plant or build others products 7.  Quality Cost  Reduction How to Reduce the Cost of Quality: Eliminating quality costs starts with  designing in quality Rationalizing away unusual products  raises net factory quality and avoids wasting quality resources on inherently lower quality products Activities Supportive to Quality Cost Reduction: Total cost measurements to quantify the Cost of Quality 8.  Total Cost  Measurement to Support All Cost Reduction Activities How to Reduce Cost with Total Cost Measurements: Implement total cost measurement  with the easy-to-implement  cost driver  approach Activities Supportive to Total Cost Measurements: Until total cost can be quantified, everyone must make decisions based on  total cost thinking Senior management understands the importance of quantifying total cost, implements total cost measurements, and encourages all cost decisions to be made on basis of total cost 9.0 CONCLUSION As conclusion we can said that, the objectives of this assignment have been achieved which is to understand how to be cost effective but yet meeting the ever increasing HSE requirement. The conclusion is made due to what I have done about this assignment, describe properly about the problem required in this assignment. Cost becomes more important when competition increases and price becomes a differentiator in the market. Identifying the goal of the expense reduction exercise will assist with implementation of an effective plan. The purpose of expense reduction is to help the company towards long term survival. 10.0 REFERENCES [1] http://mydiposh.wordpress.com/tag/niosh-malaysia/ [2] http://www.niosh.com.my/en/ [3] http://www.pwc.com/gx/en/cost-reduction/index.jhtml [4] http://www.the-cost-reduction-consultant.com/CostReduction.html [5] http://www.nextlevelpurchasing.com/articles/cost-reduction-ideas.html?gclid [6] http://www.halfcostproducts.com/

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essays --

Biomedical engineering is a rapidly growing field of research that is making exciting discoveries and advancements in the field of medicine at an astounding pace. With such progress there are many ethical issues that arise concerning new innovative implants, medical devices, and diagnosis and therapeutic treatments in the field of biomedical engineering in order to improve an individual’s quality of life. Neuroethics in particular has become a big topic of debate as researchers gradually decode the complex organism called the human brain. The brain has long been an enigma, its intricate inner workings perplexing even the most scholarly of intellectuals for decades. Recent advancements in neuroimaging, brain implants, and scientists’ increased knowledge of basic human psychology concerning the bases of individual behavior and personality have led to the fear that this new gained information has the potential to be misused by governments and other entities. Ethicist fear that the same devices meant to help patients suffering from devastating neural diseases could be manipulated to breach one’s privacy. Devices and treatments used to cure or alleviate effects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, or perhaps to help those who have mental illnesses or impairments could be used to decipher one’s hidden thoughts, and even used as a way to discriminate against someone based on one’s religious beliefs and values. The main areas of Neuroethics that have caused concern are brain implants and medical devices, neuroimaging, and brain machine interfacing. Implantable brain or neural devices are an exciting rapidly growing research area in class of biomedical devices. Brain implants usually function by interfering w... ... of the brain and the more complex interworking’s of the human mind. As a result the field of Neuroscience is making strides in medicine and engineering at an astounding rate with no prospect of slowing down in the near future. With such great innovation in biomedical engineering concerning brain implants, neuroimaging, and brain machine interfacing meant to improve the quality of life of individuals. The potential misuse of this technology is of great concern. As engineers grow closer to producing brain scanners that can read someone’s mind or neuroimaging machines that can be used to predict behavior and influence thoughts and emotions, Neuroethics must be a moral compass at the forefront of the field of biomedical engineering in area of neuroscience to ensure that ultimately the rights and privacy of the individuals the technology is meant to help are protected.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pearl Harbor :: essays research papers

Pearl Harbor My report is about the attack on Pearl Harbor. In this report I will explain what happened and why it happened. So you know, Pearl Harbor is located on Oahu island, Hawaii. Pearl Harbor was the operating base of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The Japanese pulled a surprise attack on the U.S. on December 7, 1941 at 7:50 A.M. during the beginning of World War II. On November 26 a powerful Japanese task force, under the command of vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, left the Kuril Islands; on December 2 it received a coded message issuing the attack order. The undetected Japanese force arrived off the Hawaiian Islands on the morning of December 7. In two successive waves more than 350 Japanese bombers, torpedo planes, and fighters struck. More than 75 U.S. warships(including battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, and auxiliaries) were based at this "Gibraltar of the Pacific." All U.S. aircraft carriers were elsewhere. Observing radio silence, it reached a launching point at 6 AM, December 7. At 7:50 AM, the first wave of Japanese planes struck Pearl Harbor, bombarding airfields and battleships moored at the concrete quays. The U.S. totally taken off guard had to defend themselves in pajamas. They used anti-aircraft guns in an attempt to stop the Japanese. A second wave followed. The surprise attack was over before 10 AM. The results were devastating; 18 U.S. ships were hit, and more than 200 aircraft destroyed or damaged. The battleship Arizona was a total wreck; the West Virginia and California were sunk; and the Nevada was heavily damaged. Approximately 2,400 Americans were killed, 1,300 wounded, and 1,000 missing. Japanese losses were fewer than 100 casualties, 29 planes, and 5 midget submarines. The Japanese totally destroyed the U.S. naval power in the Pacific. The attack was, however, a colossal political and psychological blunder, for it mobilized U.S. public opinion against the Japanese and served as the catalyst that brought the United States into the war. "December 7, 1941," said President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is "a date which will live in infamy." A monument has been built across the hull of the sunken U.S.S. Arizona; it was dedicated as a national memorial in 1962. The next day President Roosevelt told a joint session of Congress that December 7 was "a date which will live in infamy." Congress voted to declare war on Japan. A small boat rescued seamen from USS West Virginia after the surprise Japanese air attack. There are different reasons why the Japanese were able to pull a surprise attack on the United States biggest military base. One is that when the U.

Branding strategy for Mobinil Essay

1. Given all the changes in the branding strategy for Mobinil over the years, has the Mobinil brand conveyed a consistent meaning to customers? Is this a benefit or detriment as the mobile service provider business moves forward in Egypt with the entry of Etisalat and Vodafone? In my opinion, Mobinil has conveyed a consistent meaning to customers because even after years of existing, they still focus on their main mission – providing reliable and simple services that increase interaction and improve communication. I believe that entry of Etisalat and Vodafone was a benefit, because even though Mobinil was not a monopoly anymore, it still could learn from competitors and improve their service to satisfy customers’ needs. Mobinil does researches to be aware of competitors’ strengths and weaknesses that help the company to stay successful. 2. What is Mobinil selling? What are customers really buying? Mobinil is selling mobile devices and services. Customers are buying ability to communicate and on-the-go connectivity – core product. They are buying mobile devices and services – actual product. While buying mobile devices, people also get warranties and instructions that help them with using the device – augmented product. 3. Will the many reasons for Mobinil’s success continue to work with the increasing presence of Vodafone and Etisalat? Why or why not? In my opinion Mobinil will still be successful because the company always does researches to know what competitors are doing, so they can provide better service for their customers. Mobinil now is the leader for mobile services in Egypt and I believe they will continue to improve their work because of their successful marketing strategy and customers’ loyalty. 4. What futuristic strategic recommendations would you make to the Mobinil brand managers? Try to meet customer expectations and reach the desired level of excellence. Mobinil should also make more agreements with networks in†¦